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Peabody Properties announces winners of National Affordable Housing Management Association (NAHMA) Poster Contest


Four local artists from three Peabody communities named national winners; each to receive $1,000 educational scholarship

Braintree, MA (August 15, 2023) – Peabody Properties, an affiliate of the Peabody Companies, a group of award-winning property management and real estate firms, is thrilled to announce that this year’s winners of the annual National Affordable Housing Management Association (NAHMA) Poster Contest includes the following four residents of Peabody communities:

The four artists competed against hundreds of participants nationwide to garner a winning spot in the annual competition. In reward for their talent and effort, they will each receive a $1,000 educational scholarship from the NAHMA Educational Foundation and will be featured in the 2024 NAHMA Drug-Free Kids Calendar.

While the underlying message for the annual contest is always a drug-free theme, a subtheme is incorporated into the poster contest. The subtheme for this year was People Helping People: Promote Acts of Kindness.

“We are very proud of all our resident artists and appreciate the opportunity the NAHMA competition provides to showcase the amazing talent within the Peabody Properties community and other affordable housing communities throughout the country,” said Kristen Fowler, senior resident services manager and Peabody’s New England Affordable Housing Management Association (NEAHMA) representative for the contest. “Special high fives to Tiffany, Jamison, Skylar, and Robert for their winning entries!”

“Tiffany’s artwork has always reflected events that are important to her or that have impacted her family,” said Resident Services Manager Pam Niemi of the fifth grader’s depiction of rescue teams at the scene of the Merpi Volcano eruption near her parents’ hometown in Indonesia. “She is an amazing and talented individual.”

“Skylar and Jamison worked very hard on their posters this year around the theme and were spot on with their interpretation in their wonderfully colorful posters,” said Marcy Grady, resident services portfolio director. “Tiffany also has a great track record in this content, having previously been recognized as a national winner.”

Jacquie Cope, senior resident services manager, described Robert Allan Williams as “an extremely talented artist. The residents and staff of Bedford Green are so proud and happy Bob was recognized for his amazing talent.”

To view the winning poster entries, please visit: Current Winners – NAHMA

“We can’t say enough about all our resident artists who participated in this year’s poster competition and are absolutely delighted to learn that Tiffany, Skylar, Jamison, and Bob are national winners,” said Misty Pisani, director of resident and community programs with Peabody Resident Services, Inc. “Congratulations and well deserved!”

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